We Are Datalaw
At Datalaw, we provide all the resources you need to succeed. Whether you’re thinking about studying law to become a qualified paralegal or solicitor, or even if you’re still uncertain, we’re here to guide you.
Gain Occupational Skills & Become Legally Qualified
At Datalaw, we are dedicated to our legal apprenticeships, the successful outcomes they achieve, and the excellent relationships we maintain with employers to provide career opportunities for both new and existing employees. We recognise the increasing demand among law firms for a skilled partner who can deliver flexible and reliable apprenticeship programs. At Datalaw, we can help you find the right legal qualification, from Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship to kickstart your legal career, to Level 7 Solicitor Apprenticeship and Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeships to help you achieve solicitor status.
What Apprenticeships Does Datalaw Offer?
Datalaw offers a range of comprehensive law apprenticeships tailored to different career stages. Each apprenticeship is designed to provide practical skills, hands-on experience, and the knowledge needed to excel in the legal profession, all while being supported by our experienced trainers and strong industry partnerships.
- Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship
- Level 7 Solicitor Apprenticeship
- Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship
- Level 3 Team Leader Apprenticeship
Why Datalaw’s Apprenticeships Stand Out in Legal Training
Datalaw’s apprenticeships stand out due to our commitment to delivering high-quality, practical legal training that meets the evolving needs of the legal industry. Our programs are designed with flexibility in mind, accommodating both new and existing employees’ schedules and learning preferences. Furthermore, by focusing on real-world skills and professional development, Datalaw’s apprenticeships offer a unique pathway to achieving legal qualifications without the traditional university route.
Our Apprentices Excel In Their Learning
But don’t just take our word for it
Apprenticeship Funding
The Education and Skills Funding agency (ESFA) has allocated funding to train thousands of professionals in work to gain further occupational qualifications. The ESFA provides 95% of the funding and your practice pays only 5%. As an approved registered government training provider Datalaw can take advantage of this funding on your firm’s behalf to provide law apprenticeships.
To find out more information about funding routes and eligibility please register your interest below:
The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), part of the UK Department for Education, funds education and skills training for children, young people, and adults. Established in 2017, it distributes funds to schools, colleges, and other institutions, manages apprenticeships, and ensures value for money in education. The ESFA works to develop a skilled workforce and improve educational outcomes nationwide.
- Level 3 Paralegal Apprenticeship
- Level 7 Solicitor Apprenticeship
- Graduate Solicitor Apprenticeship
- Level 3 Team Leader Apprenticeship
The Apprenticeship Levy is a UK government initiative introduced in April 2017 to fund apprenticeship programs. It requires companies with an annual payroll of over £3 million to contribute 0.5% of their total payroll to the levy. These funds are then available to the company as digital vouchers to pay for apprenticeship training and assessment. The aim is to increase investment in training, improve skills across the workforce, and encourage businesses to create more apprenticeship opportunities.
Smaller companies can also benefit from government co-funding for apprenticeships, even if they do not pay the levy. Non Levy paying employers receive 95% funding from the ESFA for apprenticeships. The employer just pays 5% of the full cost.