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With Our Datalaw Memberships

Essential Membership


£499/year +VAT
1 User
8 Courses (in your primary area of law)
1 Area of Law
16 CPD Hours
CPD Tracking/Reporting Tool
CPD Certification
12 Months Access


Premium Membership


£599/year +VAT 

1 User
40+ SRA Compliance Courses
30+ Technical Legal Courses
1 Area of Law
70+ CPD Hours
CPD Tracking/Reporting Tools
CPD Certification 
12 Months Access
CPD Compliance AI Tool
Essential CPD Collections/Playlists
Unlimited Membership


£999/year +VAT
1 User
700+ CPD Hours
Access to our entire library of legal CPD training
70+ SRA compliance courses
Early access to our live webinars
Access To All Our CPD Training Features
Dedicated Account Manager

Online Legal CPD Training

Train Whenever & Wherever You Are

1000’s Legal CPD Courses

Gain Access To Our Entire Legal CPD Library

Expert Legal Speakers

In All Areas Of Law For Your Training

CPD Training Features

Unique CPD & Compliance Features

Legal Qualifications

95% Government-Funded Qualifications

Legal Accreditations

Including PSRAS, PSQ, MCQ, and more

Complete All Your Legal CPD Training On One Platform


Datalaw’s online training platform will gain you access to our legal CPD library with over 800+ legal CPD courses in 42+ areas of law. Including our CPD & Compliance tracking & reporting features.