L3 Paralegal Apprenticeship - Skills Scan

Please score yourself against each criteria on a scale of 0-10

Please give an honest assessment of your current competency level as against each element of the Apprenticeship Standard, where: 0 = No current experience or skill level for this criteria 10 = Full mastery and no further upskilling required

PLEASE NOTE: where you score yourself as 6 or above in any area you and your line manager will be asked to provide evidence to support this - either in verbal form between yourself or in written form through appraisals, testimonials, assignments, tests or any other naturally occurring evidence you feel appropriately evidences your score.

PLEASE NOTE: In the event where your prior knowledge or skill is agreed at 8/10 or above this will mean you would be exempt from areas programme or ineligible for this course.

If you are unsure about how to score yourself in any area please speak a member of our staff.

Low Competence (0-3) | Some Competence (4-5) | Fully Competent (6-8) | Expert Competence (9-10)

K3 - Describe the basic elements of the English legal system including:
K8 - Recognise the principles of workload management including:

Low Competence (0-3) | Some Competence (4-5) | Fully Competent (6-8) | Expert Competence (9-10)


Low Competence (0-3) | Some Competence (4-5) | Fully Competent (6-8) | Expert Competence (9-10)

B5 - Collaborative and inclusive: Demonstrate that you are respectful of diversity of thought and experience to work with: