• 800+ Legal CPD CoursesIn Over 42 Areas Of Law
  • Expert Legal SpeakersFor Your Training
  • CPD FeaturesTo Track & Report CPD
  • SRA Compliance FeaturesTo Stay Compliant
  • CPD BundlesFor Specialised Training
  • Free Live WebinarsHosted Every Month
  • CPD CertificationFor SRA Evidencing
  • SupportAccount Manager

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Trusted By Over 27,000 Solicitors & Law Firms


We are a company absolutely determined to bring the most flexible and price sensitive services to other solicitors. Our company was started by two solicitors who were tired of paying large amounts for training.


We were desperate to find an alternative to the old fashioned expensive training model. Once broadband became more reliable, we saw an opportunity to bring low cost quality CPD training delivered over the internet. We wanted to bring legal training straight to your computer or mobile phone, so you could watch them whenever and wherever you were.


Purpose Built Features To Make Life Easier For Solicitors & Practice Managers

  • Automatically Track CPD Progress
  • Summary Of Progress Across The Entire Firm
  • Messages & Notifications
  • Legal Qualifications
  • Easy SRA Self-Assessment
  • 100’s Of Videos By Expert Speakers
  • Easily Print Off Your SRA Competency Statement
  • 95% Government Funded Law Apprenticeships

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